(Un Viaje En Taxi)
Section: Documental
Directed by: Mak CK
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Year of Production: 2019
Country of Origin: Mexico
Duration: 84 Min
Unable to find emotional stability, Erick, a gay man living in Mexico City, must grapple with a harrowing incident that changed his life forever. A decade ago, on the night of his birthday, the then 17-year-old was sexually assaulted. Erick tried to move on with his life without going to the police, seeing a doctor, or finding any support groups, but it’s clear that the unresolved trauma is preventing him from having meaningful relationships with family and romantic interests. This observational and inspirational documentary captures the journey of this survivor as he faces his innermost fears in order to strive for happiness and a life worth living in spite of the terrible adversity he’s encountered.
Incapaz de encontrar estabilidad emocional, Erick, un hombre gay que vive en la Ciudad de México, debe lidiar con un incidente desgarrador que cambió su vida para siempre. Hace una década, en la noche de su cumpleaños, el joven que en entonces tenia 17 años fue violado brutalmente. Erick intentó seguir adelante con su vida sin ir a la policía, consultar a un médico o buscar grupos de apoyo, pero está claro que este trauma sin resolver le impide forjar relaciones saludables con su familia y con parejas románticas. El documental inspirador observa el viaje de este sobreviviente enfrentando sus miedos más profundos para luchar por su felicidad y una vida con propósito a pesar de la terrible adversidad que lo ha agobiado.

Screening followed by Q&A – TBA.

The Largest Mexican Film Festival outside of Mexico, celebrating our 11th year.
May 31- June 8, 2019