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Un retrato de familia
A Family Portrait
Feel Good, Mexico Ahora
Mariano Avendaño has spent much of his life working in a renowned Mexican company. Don Joaquín, his boss, also of his best friends, has decided to retire and offer the leadership of the company to Mariano. However, he also tries to make him see that his family is more important and that it’s with his wife and daughters that they should take advantage of the time that he still has left. Mariano realizes that he no longer fits into the lives of his loved ones and will try to reconnect with them in a comical, honest and sincere way, overcoming many obstacles, in order to feel like he belongs in his home again.
Mariano Avendaño lleva gran parte de su vida trabajando en una connotada empresa mexicana. Don Joaquín, su jefe, quien es uno de sus mejores amigos, ha decidido retirarse y ofrecer la Dirección General de la empresa a Mariano; aunque a la vez le hace ver que su familia es más importante y es con su esposa e hijas con quienes debe aprovechar el tiempo que aún le queda por delante. Mariano se da cuenta que ya no encaja en la vida de sus seres queridos y tratará de reconectar con ellos de manera cómica, honesta y sincera, venciendo muchos obstáculos, con tal de volver a sentir que pertenece en su hogar.
Dir. Adrian Zurita

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