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Selina Ringel, TFT'18 Writer, Actres and Producer
This year’s TFT Alumni Centerpiece welcomes Selina Ringel to showcase her latest work
Tracking a real-life pregnancy, this fictional film tells the story of a Latinx workaholic who’s determined to have a baby on her own terms and gets more than she bargained for when she gets pregnant in the year 2020.
Lily, a 5-year-old Mexican-American girl, stays in the care of her cousin Teo while her mother leaves for a few days to work. Together they prepare a party for their Mexican father, who is waiting for his visa to visit her. However, the absence of the father figure is reflected in her dreams, a gap that Teo fills little by little through the confidence he must gain by entering the world of a small woman with her own individuality
This year we are delighted to showcase the Tomorrow’s Filmmakers Today shorts in 4 programs ¿De Dónde Vengo?, Parents (Don’t) Know Best , To Be Together, and Tough Choices.

Total Runtime: 46 minutes (approximately)
The Latino identity is complicated. To try to understand it and forge new paths, we must investigate the struggles and triumphs of those who came before us.
La identidad latina es complicada. Para tratar de comprenderla y forjar nuevos caminos, debemos investigar las luchas y los triunfos de quienes llegaron antes que nosotros.
Total Runtime: 65 minutes (approximately)
Few things are as difficult as asserting our autonomy with our parents either by going against their wishes or helping them see when they are in the wrong.
Pocas cosas son tan difíciles como afirmar nuestra autonomía frente a nuestros padres, ya sea yendo en contra de sus deseos o ayudándolos a ver cuándo están equivocados.
Total Runtime: 70 minutes (approximately)
There are no straightforward solutions in the matters of the heart. These stories take us on a journey through heartbreak, reconciliation, and the irrational things we do for love.
No hay soluciones fáciles en los asuntos del corazón. Estas historias nos llevan en un viaje a través del desamor, la reconciliación y las cosas irracionales que hacemos por amor.
Total Runtime: 62 minutes (approximately)
Between right and wrong there’s a large grey area. We meet these characters as they face a turning point in their lives, whether to seek justice or to stand up for others or themselves.
Entre el bien y el mal hay una gran zona gris. A estos personajes los conocemos mientras se enfrentan a un parteaguas en sus vidas, ya sea para buscar justicia o pare defender a los demás o a sí mism@s.
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Tomorrow’s Filmmakers Today (TFT), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a life-long fellowship program for its members. Each year TFT selects 20 participants for a free-of-charge, full-time, 10-day intensive career development program. In addition, alumni screenings and networking events throughout the year benefit more than 100 Latine filmmakers.
Your contribution to TFT allows us to keep fostering professional opportunities, job access and inclusion in the film and TV industries, and to continue bringing together a strong community of creators at different stages in their careers.
Thank you for your generous support!