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Nudo mixteco
El Otro Mexico
Three striking stories become intertwined during the patron saint’s celebration in San Mateo, a village in rural Oaxaca. Maria has come to bury her mother, but her father rejects her. While there, and ridden with uncertainty and pain, she asks Piedad, her childhood love, to leave with her. Meanwhile, Esteban returns after three years working abroad to discover that Chabela, his wife, is living with another man. Enraged he calls for townspeople to prosecute her in a local assembly. At the same time, Tona, a mother, relives her own trauma upon learning her daughter has suffered abuse at the hands of a family member.
Tres poderosas historias se entrelazan durante la fiesta patronal de San Mateo, un pueblo en la mixteca oaxaqueña. María ha venido a enterrar a su madre, pero su padre la rechaza. Atormentada por la incertidumbre y el dolor, le pide a Piedad, su amor de la infancia, que se vaya con ella. Mientras tanto, Esteban regresa después de tres años trabajando en el extranjero para descubrir que Chabela, su esposa, vive con otro hombre. Enfurecido, llama a la gente del pueblo a procesarla en una asamblea local. Al mismo tiempo, Tona, una madre, revive su propio trauma al enterarse de que su hija ha sufrido abusos a manos de un familiar.
Dir. Ángeles Cruz

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