Section: Documental
Directed by: José Pablo Torrescano
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Year of Production: 2019
Country of Origin: Mexico
TRT: 75 min
Filmmaker José Pablo Estrada Torrescano fulfills his promise of making a documentary about his charismatic and demanding grandmother, Mamacita, in this loving and revelatory portrait of a self-made woman, her pride, and her many secrets. A savvy businesswoman who built an empire of beauty products and clinics, Mamacita is as warm as she is sternly direct. At 95, the strong-willed matriarch reminisces about her achievements and cries about her disappointments inside an extravagant home that hides many stories within its walls. Through the film, her grandson captures Mamacita in all her complexity and rediscovers their unbreakable bond.
El cineasta José Pablo Estrada Torrescano cumple su promesa de hacer un documental sobre su carismática y exigente abuela, Mamacita, en este tierno y revelador retrato sobre una mujer emprendedora, su orgullo y sus muchos secretos. Siendo una inteligente empresaria que construyó un imperio de productos y clínicas de belleza, Mamacita es tan cálida como severamente directa. A sus 95 años, la matriarca de voluntad fuerte recuerda sus logros y llora por sus decepciones dentro de una casa extravagante que esconde muchas historias dentro de sus muros. A través de la película, su nieto captura a Mamacita en toda su complejidad y redescubre su vínculo inquebrantable.

Screening followed by Q&A – TBA.

The Largest Mexican Film Festival outside of Mexico, celebrating our 11th year.
May 31- June 8, 2019