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Mexico, 2023, 80 min. In Spanish & Tzotzil (Mayan language) with English subtitles.
Mamá (Mom)
Yendo en contra de la idea de que los asuntos privados no deben ventilarse en público, el director Xun Sero confronta su compleja relación con su propia madre. Como hombre indígena tzotzil, Sero siempre ha existido entre dos culturas y dos idiomas, y ahora a través del cine explora todos los aspectos de quién es. En este retrato íntimo del sufrimiento que ocurre en silencio y las formas en que los hijos a veces no reconocen la humanidad de sus padres, el cineasta mira las heridas de su familia tal vez no para curarlas sino solamente para comprenderlas.
Going against the notion that one shouldn’t air private matters in public, director Xun Sero confronts his complex relationship with his own mother. As an Indigenous Tzotzil man, Sero has always existed between two cultures and languages, and now through cinema he explores all the aspects of who he is. In this intimate portrait of the suffering that happens in silence and the ways in which children sometimes fail to acknoleged their parents’ humanity, the filmmaker looks at his family’s wounds perhaps not to heal them but to understand them.
Director: Xun Sero
Producer: Daniela Contreras, Nicolas Défossé
Screenplay: Xun Sero