Section: Nocturnos
Directed by: Chava Cartas
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Year of Production: 2019
Country of Origin: México
Duration: 88min
Cast: Luis Arrieta, Fernando Ciangherotti, Erick Elias, Dagoberto Gama, Alberto Guerra, Noé Hernández
Running away from a devastating incident that haunts them, Luzma (Danny Perea) and Demián (Erick Elias), a young couple, move to an old apartment in Guadalajara to start over and save their relationship. Their desire for normalcy and tranquility are thwarted when they discover that a supernatural force inhabits their new home. Confronted with a series of paranormal phenomena involving their worst fears, the couple drifts further apart as the malevolent presence threatens to destroy them.
Huyendo de un incidente devastador que los atormenta, Luzma (Danny Perea) y Demián (Erick Elias), una joven pareja, se mudan a un viejo departamento en Guadalajara para comenzar de nuevo y salvar su relación. Su deseo por regresar a la normalidad y encontrar tranquilidad se ve frustrado cuando descubren que una fuerza sobrenatural habita su nuevo hogar. Siendo testigos de una serie de fenómenos paranormales que involucran sus peores miedos, la pareja se aleja aún más el uno del otro mientras la presencia malévola amenaza con destruirlos.

Screening followed by Q&A – TBA.
These films will make us scream or introduce us to a world of pain and suffering – physically or mentally. The Nocturno section will present you with the bizarre and purely horrifying films being produced in Mexico.

The Largest Mexican Film Festival outside of Mexico, celebrating our 11th year.
May 31- June 8, 2019